Want to try a Proof of Cconcept (POC) project or looking for a motion capture solution?

Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses and organizations explore the potential of new technologies and solutions. Whether you're looking to validate an idea, test a hypothesis, or simply explore the feasibility of a new product or system, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your next POC project.

How to start POC project with us?

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Get in Touch

Connect with our team to express your interest in conducting a POC with our motion capture clothing technology.

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Define Your Objectives

Clearly outline your goals and objectives for the POC so that we can help you achieve the desired results.

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Select Your Solution

Based on your objectives, our team will suggest the best motion capture clothing technology solution to test during the POC.

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Determine Scope and Timeline

Work with us to establish the scope of the POC, including which features and functionalities will be tested, and set a clear timeline for completion.

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Conduct the POC

Our team will assist you in testing the selected motion capture clothing technology solution and collecting data according to the agreed-upon scope and timeline.

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Analyze Results

Upon completion of the POC, our team will analyze the results and provide you with a comprehensive report.

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Make an Informed Decision

Based on the results of the POC, you can make an informed decision on whether to proceed with implementing the motion capture clothing technology solution on a larger scale or explore other options.

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Implementation and Support

If you decide to proceed with implementing technology on a larger scale, our team will be there to assist with the implementation and provide ongoing support as needed. We are here to help you achieve your goals and ensure your success.

Get in Touch with Us

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