About Technology

Husky Sense is a smart wearable technology company aiming to ease movement analysis and recording in real-time across various platforms and use cases. The overall technology consists of three main parts.

Real-time Avatar


Wearable motion capture system with rapid data acquisition technology.



Real-time reconstruction of human motion, that later can be exported to Blender, or streamed through Unreal Engine or VRchat.

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Set of rules and protocols, allowing your software application to communicate with ours.

HS API icon


Set of rules and protocols, allowing your software application to communicate with ours.



The IMU (Inertial measurement unit) sensor nodes are embedded in clothing and are connected using wired communication (using conductive threads as electric conductors). Power is supplied from a lithium battery. The number of sensors used can be changed and adjusted for different application requirements, like motion recording for sports, metaverse, military, etc.

Data is sent wirelessly to a portable device (smartphone, tablet) or personal computer for processing and feedback. Bluetooth low energy protocol is used for data transmission to achieve energy efficiency for maximized battery life.

Key Components


Two peace stretchable, fitted, and washable clothing with integrated sensors.

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IMU Sensors

The coin-sized IMU (Inertial measurement unit) sensor nodes are embedded in washable clothing and are connected using wired communication (using conductive threads as electric conductors).

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Wired Communication

For now, there are 18 sensors, but the number of sensors used can be changed and adjusted for different application requirements, like motion recording for sports, metaverse, military, etc.

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Portable device

Data is sent wirelessly via Bluetooth low energy protocol to a portable device (smartphone, tablet) or personal computer for processing and feedback.

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Data is gathered from sensors to the master board via wires using custom SPI protocol.

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Avatar Reconstruction

Python Library for integration in Unity applications and avatar reconstruction.

App stats
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Pose Recording

Our pose recording feature allows you to easily capture and track your movements in real-time. With built-in IMU sensors technology, you can record your movements, receive instant feedback or export recorded data to 3D computer graphics software, like Blender or Unreal Engine.

Pose Comparison

Our innovative tool allows you to compare two poses one on another, making it easier to understand the differences and similarities between the performance. Whether you’re a yoga enthusiast, fitness professional, or just looking to improve your posture, this feature is the perfect tool to help you achieve your goals.

You can either in real-time try to replicate or select two poses from the library and see how they look when displayed one on another. You can adjust and rotate the screen at 360° to understand better the recording in 3D space.

Real-time Streaming

With our real-time streaming feature, you can connect to Unity, Unreal Engine, and VRChat for live performances. Immerse yourself in a world of limitless possibilities as our technology empowers developers, virtual reality enthusiasts, and performers to bring their creations to life.

How to set up our clothing?

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Put on clothing

HS web Ilustrations


Connect to the phone/desktop app via Bluetooth

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Calibrate via app to create your live 3D avatar

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Start recording or streaming motion capture data

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Analyse and export recorded movements

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Gentle-wash clothing when necessary

Why are we easy-to-use?

Data icon
Fast data transfer

Real-time low-energy motion reconstruction starting from 50 fps.

valuable data icon
Valuable data

Movement recording, analysis, and 360° visualization, including a comparison of movements from multiple people.

battery icon
Easy to charge

Minimized wireless interference as opposed to multiple wireless sensor nodes – meaning, you don’t have to charge each sensor separately, and the setup is faster.

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Fast setup

All the sensors are fixed in washable clothing, so it’s not complicated to put the apparel on and wear it. It takes less than 3 minutes to set everything up. Separate sensors don’t need to be attached or charged individually.

World icon
Wear everywhere, literally

We are fully mobile and not affected by the environment, lighting, etc. thus no external setup is needed, such as cameras, beacons, etc.

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Multiple integrations

We believe in simplicity. Our ultimate objective is to provide you with a powerful tool that seamlessly integrates with your own application or the industry’s leading 3D editing and streaming software like Blender, Unreal Engine, OSC, and VRChat.

Have some questions? Here’s, in short, FAQ.

What is wearable motion capture technology?

Wearable motion capture technology is a system that tracks and records the movements of a person or object in three-dimensional space. It is often used in the entertainment industry to create realistic animations, but it has also found applications in sports training, rehabilitation, and virtual reality.

Wearable motion capture systems typically consist of a set of sensors that are attached to the body or object being tracked, and a computer that processes the data from the sensors to determine the movements and positions of the body or object. The data can be displayed in real-time or used to create animations or simulations. Wearable motion capture technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the digital world and has already had a significant impact on a variety of fields.

What kind of motion capture technologies exists?

There are several motion capture technologies available today, each with its own set of strengths and limitations. Some of the most common types of motion capture technologies include:

Optical Motion Capture: this type of motion capture uses cameras and markers to track the movement of objects in 3D space. It typically involves attaching reflective markers to the body or props, and then using cameras to track the markers as they move. Optical motion capture is widely used in the film and gaming industries, as well as in research and development.

Inertial Motion Capture (Husky Sense is using this technology): this type of motion capture uses a combination of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers to track the movement of objects in 3D space. Inertial motion capture is often used in wearable devices, such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and smart clothing.

Mechanical Motion Capture: this type of motion capture uses mechanical devices, such as exosuits or motion platforms, to track the movement of objects in 3D space. Mechanical motion capture is often used in industrial and research settings, where high accuracy and precision are required.

Electromagnetic Motion Capture: This type of motion capture uses electromagnetic fields to track the movement of objects in 3D space. Electromagnetic motion capture is often used in medical and rehabilitation settings, where non-invasive tracking is required.

Computer vision: this type of technology refers to the use of computer algorithms to analyze and interpret images or video feeds. It can be used in conjunction with motion capture technology to enhance accuracy or to track movements in situations where it is not possible to use physical sensors, such as when tracking the movements of a distant object or a person who is not wearing any sensors.

Each type of motion capture technology has its own strengths and limitations, and the choice of technology will depend on the specific requirements of the application. Factors such as accuracy, precision, cost, portability, and ease of use will all play a role in determining the most appropriate technology for a given application.

What are the benefits of using wired motion capture technology?

The benefits of using wired motion capture technology include improved accuracy and reliability compared to wireless systems, as well as the ability to capture complex movements and fine details.

What is IMU sensors?

IMU stands for Inertial Measurement Unit. It is a type of sensor that measures acceleration, orientation, and angular velocity. IMUs are commonly used in a wide range of applications, including wearable devices, robotics, navigation systems, and gaming.

An IMU typically consists of multiple sensors, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, that work together to provide a comprehensive picture of an object's movement and orientation in space. The data collected by the IMU sensors can be processed and used to determine the position, orientation, and movement of the object.

IMUs are useful in applications where precise measurement of motion and orientation is required, such as in motion tracking for virtual and augmented reality, or in the development of wearable fitness devices.

What industries use motion capture technology?

Motion capture technology is used in a variety of industries, including film and video game production, sports and biomechanics, medical and rehabilitation, and military and defense.

The accuracy of wired motion capture technology can be quite high, depending on the number of sensors used and the quality of the IMUs.

The accuracy of wired motion capture technology can be quite high, depending on the number of sensors used and the quality of the IMUs.

How long does it take to set up a motion capture system?

The time it takes to set up a motion capture system will vary depending on the type of system, the complexity of the setup, and the experience of the person setting it up. Some basic systems can be set up in a few hours, while more complex systems may take several days or longer.

To put on Husky Sense clothing, turn on the application and do a calibration process takes less than 5 minutes.

How much does the motion capture technology costs?

The cost of motion capture technology can vary widely depending on the specific system and its features. Some simple, entry-level systems can cost as little as a few hundred euros, while more advanced systems with many sensors and sophisticated software can cost tens of thousands of euros.

In general, you can expect to pay more for systems with a higher number of sensors, as well as systems that offer real-time tracking and higher accuracy. Systems that are designed for use in professional settings, such as film production or sports training, will also tend to be more expensive.

It's also worth noting that the cost of motion capture technology is likely to continue to decrease over time as the technology becomes more widespread and sophisticated.

Husky Sense is working hard to reduce the price per clothing, and currently, the price ranges between 600 to 1000 EUR, based on the quantity and quality of the necessary wearable technology.

What is POC?

A proof of concept (POC) project is a small-scale project or prototype used to demonstrate the feasibility and potential value of a proposed solution or approach. POCs are used to test and validate new ideas, technologies, or methods in a low-risk, low-cost environment before committing to a full-scale implementation. This allows organizations to assess the potential benefits and drawbacks of a solution and make informed decisions about whether or not to proceed with further development.

What is API?

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. Think of it like a waiter in a restaurant who takes your order and delivers it to the kitchen, then brings your food back to you when it's ready.

In the same way, an API acts as an intermediary between two software applications, allowing them to exchange information and perform tasks more efficiently. It's like a messenger that carries requests and responses between the two applications.

Want to try a Proof of Cconcept (POC) project or looking for a motion capture solution?

Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses and organizations explore the potential of new technologies and solutions. Whether you're looking to validate an idea, test a hypothesis, or simply explore the feasibility of a new product or system, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your next POC project.